November 12, 2009

SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder

It's 5:53 pm here on the east coast and completely dark. Actually, it was completely dark around 5:00 tonight, what with the recent time change and all. Setting the clocks back an hour has really been screwing with me. Part of it is my own doing. I've been sleeping until like 11 in the morning which means I only get about 6 hours of daylight. I have one of those light therapy boxes, but haven't used it yet this year. At some point, I seriously need to think about moving someplace where they get more sun.

Speaking of moving places in an effort to be happy, I've been reading this book called The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner. Weiner goes around the world in search of the happiest and least-happy countries and tries to find out why the citizenry is blissful or not. Some of the analysis is surprising (oftentimes it involves consumption of illicit substances or alcohol). For instance, Iceland turns out to be one of the happiest places in the world. Talk about SAD... I'd think they'd be one of the most depressed peoples in the world. But not so. That title is held by Moldova (or at least they're very near the bottom). Anyhoo, the book is a pretty good read.

Readers - let me know how you're doing with the time change. Until next time...


  1. I read that book too! It definitely confirmed what I've always believed about the lack of connection between money and happiness. I struggle with SAD, and have to force myself to get out during the sunlight hours, which has been virtually non-existent due to flooding rains we've been having here lately. ((sigh))

  2. SAD is not something i've ever been formally diagnosed with but the older i get the more i notice how weather affects me - dark days, especially rainy, dark days are the worst! i'm also on the east coast and this seems to be the darkest, rainiest fall i can remember! ugh! i'm finding that turning on plenty of lights in the house on those days and some upbeat music on my laptop helps :-)

    on another note, there are plenty of relatives in my family that are bipolar and/or struggle with anxiety issues - i so want to just give you a big hug as i read your thoughts - on the upswing, i hope you enjoy the ride, but on the downswings, just try to hang in there :-)

