November 15, 2009

Tough One

Today happened to be a particularly down day mood-wise. I woke up depressed and didn't shake the feeling all day. This, despite the fact that the sun was finally shining outside after days of rain. In my head I knew that I should force myself to go outside and do something, that it would likely make me feel better, but I just felt lousy and stayed inside. It's moments like that when I need to get out of my head, get out of the house, and go do something active. Exercise, coffee shop, call a friend, whatever. If I don't I just end up feeling isolated and that makes things worse. I know this, and yet it's baffling how many times I make the wrong decision over and over. I guess that's just a sign of how powerful depressive thinking can be.

Hopefully tomorrow I can take advantage of a new day.

1 comment:

  1. But you wrote a post about it!! And as you probably well know, doing something different to get a different result is one of the keys to battling a condition that feeds on well-worn habits and patterns. You did something DIFFERENT. And that is a big step for today!
